At RepairDesk, we pride ourselves on putting you (the customer) always first. And to help you manage
your store better, we have added multiple features and modules into our system over the years.
And we will be the first one to admit that with all the new features, RepairDesk isn't perfect.
But what we can say is that should you find any issues, our support team will always be there for
you. In fact, our support is what sets us apart from the competition.
But don't take our word for it. Just read all these reviews from our customers regarding our support
To the support team, I just wanted to take some time to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. We are
extremely grateful and happy to have you as our dedicated account manager.
Modesto Ochoa
Dr Phone Fix Inc.
The RepairDesk team, I have to say, have been amazing putting up with and listening to my inquiries and suggestions, and giving me
support at all times of the day. You all know who you are.
Bryan Holmes
There were some bugs at the beginning but were quickly taken care of by the live customer support team who have been really helpful.
Rick Dangol
Dash Cellular repair
Great and within-a-hand-reach customer service and support system at any
time of a day. It doesn't matter if you fall in a different
time zone, they are always there to help.
Dan Murari
3C Computers and Mobiles
The confidence the RepairDesk team has given me since I have gone live with their
software has been promising. I am beyond satisfied with the
RepairDesk software, management and support team.
Vartan Nadjaryan
iFone Repair Service
Excellent customer support. Listens to customer needs
and implements new features per user request.
Bharat Dhingra
Phone Repair Centre